Events: Spiritual Retreats, Bookstore Talks, Sweat lodges and more!

Mt Shasta Retreat – Emerging –Are You Ready?
July 13-16, 2024

Mt Shasta Retreat – Our Mountain is Calling – Sept 29-Oct 1, 2023

Peru Retreat Sept 16 – 26, 22 Moving Through It

Peru Retreat Moving Through It September 16 – 26, 2022

To learn more about the retreat see below! 

Hello! Have you ever felt drawn to visiting Peru’s sacred and beautiful lands? Well, now is the time! We have a beautiful retreat planned for you. Join us for a 10-day retreat to the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Cusco, and the incredible natural & archeological sites above the Cusco skyline. We will guide you to sacred mountains (Apus), archeological sites, and through internal journeys with us and local guides and shamans.

We have all been moving through hard times & heavy energies with the onset of the global pandemic in 2020. Some of us have lost family members or work, and certainly, we have all felt the burden of these challenging times. But even before this world crisis, each of us has had our own daily challenges, often rooted in childhood trauma. But with walks in nature, prayer, spiritual activation, talk therapy, fun, and other healing modalities, we can ‘move through it’ to transform our daily lives and actions to become the best version of ourselves.

The Moving Through It Retreat Includes:

  • Guided conversations to ‘Move Through It’ with Linda Held
  • Walks in nature including to Kinsa Cocha lakes & rainbow mountain
  • Visits to Sacred Sites: Temple of the Moon, Pisac Ruins, Machu Picchu
  • Visits to Sacred mountains known as Apus: Pacha Tucson, Ausangate, Apu Veronica
  • Sacred ceremonies include a despacho Ceremony (prayer bundle to heal physical or emotional ailments) with Shaman Vilma Pineda, Optional plant medicine San Pedro, cacao Ceremony
  • Receive nine Munay-ki rites of initiation from Jennifer Witherspoon to become a person of wisdom and power
  • Flower baths, yoga, breath work, journaling sessions, group & individual talk therapy sessions
  • Guided talks at sacred sites Machu Picchu, Temple of the Moon, & Pisac ruins
  • Introduction to the Andean cosmology: serpent, puma, & condor to heal the past, present, and future.
  • Enjoy delicious Peruvian meals prepared for us by local chefs & at restaurants
  • Stay in delightful places in the sacred valley, Cusco, & Machu Picchu.
  • Retreat cost is $3,333 with a non-fundable deposit of $500 to hold your space.
  • Pick up at the airport & all transportation in Peru & hotels & most meals included. Airfare, tips, & extra shopping money & food during free time are not included. But you’ll want to do some sacred shopping! 
Learn to make a k’intu offering or prayer of three coca leaves together. We will make personal prayers & prayers for the world together at sacred sites & mountains (apus).
Vilma Pineda comes from a long line of healers from the Andes mountains of Peru. Vilma will provide a sacred ceremony and coca leaf readings.
Go on a guided spiritual walk to the stunning Kinsa Cocha Lakes near Pisac in the Sacred Valley with spiritual guide, yoga teacher, and musician Daya Nimai Das. Participate in an optional plant medicine ceremony with San Pedro. Lunch with local communities.
Enjoy delicious meals including world-class vegetarian fusion cuisine created by Rafaela Goodman. She creates intuitive, medicinal meals that are as beautiful physically as they are delicious.
Stay in beautiful Airbnbs, retreat centers, and hotels.
Join Linda M. Held and Jennifer A. Witherspoon in the high Andes & sacred valley of Peru for a 10-day retreat that will relax, restore, Activate, and transform your being.

Linda M. Held is a coach, spiritual guide, writer, & shamanic practitioner living in Mount Shasta, California. She works with professionals & executives to grow from lives & relationships of frustration to fulfillment. Linda often takes her clients into nature & advocates for clients to have healthy relationships with work, family, food, sex, drugs, alcohol & money.

Jennifer A. Witherspoon is an environmentalist, empath & intuitive guide, coach & writer living in Cusco, Peru at the Temple of the Moon. She is studying yoga & will be undertaking a shamanic practitioner training this summer. She is learning to embrace her shadow side & inner child & intends to offer this work to clients in the future.

Questions? Contact Linda Held at: [email protected]Jennifer Witherspoon at: [email protected] or on WhatsApp at +13866243044. To make a deposit or payments, please do so through Linda Held’s PayPal at [email protected], Linda Held: @lindaheld1


Learn More & Register Here


Sacred Sweat Lodge

Private Groups minimum of 10 people contact me, not open to the public!

Sweat Lodge Ceremony
friends from Japan

I am glad you are interested in the sweat lodge ceremony. Because you may not understand what is necessary to conduct this ceremony, I thought it would be helpful to provide this information for you.
The sweat lodge ceremony is one of the physical and spiritual purifications practiced by Native Americans to overcome illness, to prepare for other ceremonies, or anytime there is a need for any answer on some level. (Prayer ceremony) By combining the elements of fire, water, and rocks; you learn about the Earth, yourself, animals and all of creation.
Important points to remember about the sweat ceremony are:.
1. The sweat ceremony always has a leader. You must always listen to that leader show him or her the proper respect. They are responsible for your safety and is the teacher of the ceremony.

2. The Second in command of the ceremony is the fire keeper. listen to this person. The fire keeper’s role is a difficult one with many responsibilities. They must also act as role model for all the adults and children attending the sweat lodge ceremony. This person is responsible for: The fire, wood and rocks used during the ceremony, opening and closing the door, bringing in the water, and bringing in the pipe or anything else the leader may request.
If there is an altar, they are responsible for its care and all that is placed on it. (Please check with this person some altars are respected not to put anything on them).
The fire keeper is also responsible for maintaining peace and quiet around the area of the ceremony, and insuring all participants behave in an acceptable manner (also, different tribes have different rules for the way the firer keeper sweat lodge Leader runs these, please check with appropriate leaders to find out what is protocol for each ceremony.).

3. Women attending a sweat ceremony must adhere to specific rules. This is a religious ceremony and you are there to pray. Your body must be fully covered in a long dress. Do not attend the ceremony during your menstrual cycle. Your cycle is a cleansing time for you as a woman and makes you spiritually strong.

4. Do not use drugs or alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to the ceremony. At the completion of the ceremony, do not use drugs or alcohol for at least 24 hours. Respect the ceremony and the cleansing you have just experienced. Give yourself time to benefit from the ceremony.

5. Always conduct yourself in a respectful manner. The sweat lodge is our church and a religious ceremony. Respect yourself and all others in attendance. No teasing others, swearing, or disrespectful language, no fighting, no criticizing of others or people who are not present.

6. Remember, every thought is a prayer. We must have Good Thought if we are to help anyone.This Ceremony is conducted for your benefit. The people who run it work hard and have shared their life with you. If you would like to show your appreciation, a donation will say Thank You…..

Moving Through It! Quest

Moving Through It means working through whatever is bothering you or holding you back. Rather than numbing it through alcohol, shopping, TV or whatever else limits you; I will coach you to directly manifest your dreams through exercise, meditation, journaling, and gratitude work.  This is a spiritual retreat in a beautiful, natural setting that brings you closer to nature and to your own heart. My amazing staff and I will support you in going on a Quest for yourself and your life. I have conducted this Quest since 1992.

For those of you who have attended or supported on a previous Quest, you know what an amazing experience it is being out in the Shasta Camp feeling safe and taken care of and having that powerful nature supporting you. You are out in nature, feeling the power of Mount Shasta’s energy, a life changing experience!

Some of the things that might we might address on the Moving Through It! Quest include:

  • Identifying Your Blocks or Limitations
  • Gaining Clarity about your Career or Life Purpose
  • Healing Relationships
  • Finding Inner Peace
  • Connecting Deeply with Nature
  • Facing Your Fears
  • Beginning or Deepening your Meditation and Journaling Practices
  • Awesome Results of finding Peace & Joy in a New Way
  • Creating a dynamic way of living with Adventure & clarity

To learn more, please contact [email protected]