Monthly Archives: April 2018

Join Me for a Vision Quest in Mt. Shasta in July!

I have an amazing opportunity for you to join me for a “Moving Through It” Quest in Mount Shasta, California on July 27-30, 2018.

This is for people who are interested in creating what you want by using my technology, coaching, and guidance for “Moving Through It.”

Moving Through It! means working through whatever is bothering you or holding you back.

Rather than numbing it through alcohol, shopping, TV or whatever else limits you, I will coach you to directly manifest your dreams through exercise, meditation, journaling, and gratitude work.  This is a spiritual retreat in a beautiful, natural setting that brings you closer to nature and to your own heart.  I will support you in going on a Quest for yourself and your life. I have conducted this Quest since 1991, leading dozens of people on a journey of self discovery and breakthrough. 

For those of you who have attended or supported on a previous Quest, you know what an amazing experience it is being out in the Mt. Shasta area, feeling safe and taken care of and having that powerful nature supporting you. You are out in nature, feeling the power of Mount Shasta’s energy, a life changing experience!

Some of the things that might we might address on the Moving Through It! Quest include:

  • Identifying Your Blocks or Limitations
  • Gaining Clarity about your Career or Life Purpose
  • Healing Relationships
  • Finding Inner Peace
  • Connecting Deeply with Nature
  • Facing Your Fears
  • Beginning or Deepening your Meditation and Journaling Practices

Here are some of the logistics for the Moving Through It! Quest:

  • We will gather in Mount Shasta on the first day, July 27, 2018 (I will disclose the location to you when you register). This is also a solar eclipse day, with powerful energies to kick us off on our inner work. 
  • Then I will lead a sweat lodge, weather permitting, to clear out your energy and mind and open you up to new insights.
  • After the lodge, you will select your campsite.  
  • You then go out to your place in nature to camp for 4 days / 3 nights on your Quest.
  • You will have a supporter (me) who checks on you to make sure you are safe while you are out on your Quest.
  • Back in camp, where we will stay nearby, the team supporters will continue to pray for you.
  • Monday morning (July 30) your Supporter will bring you back to Sweat Lodge and in silence we will have ceremony welcoming you back, plus share ceremonial food, and we will conduct a ceremony.
  • After we are complete I suggest or demand anyone from out of town stay here locally in Mt. Shasta, as you are probably in an altered state, without realizing it. It is really about safety.

I have 4-5 spots available for this amazing life adventure. If you are interested please contact me and I will send you an application.  

Even before the Quest begins,  many issues may come up for you. We will have six meetings leading up to the Quest to provide you with support and coaching. 

By gathering together on the conference calls, you will be prepared by the time you arrive on July 27th for the adventure. You will arrive with 707 prayer ties that you have created to pray for your Quest, your life, your family and for the Earth.

Then once the Quest is complete,  we will have three more sessions  to integrate what came up for you before and during your Quest and to help you Move Through It with my coaching. This is really a powerful ceremony for your life. I hope that you will join me for this great adventure. I look forward to supporting you on your journey, your Quest, and in Moving Through It on whatever is holding you back! 

With blessings,

Linda M Held



[email protected]