Monthly Archives: August 2023

Release the old

After much thought with stranger things happening with folks not following through as intimate relationships people falling into denial or negativity….I was driven to do a sweat making a release of old.

People mentioned childhood trauma I was also guided to burn the old it took a bunch to dig out willows and release old.

I have resubmitted my manuscript they have accepted it now ready for editing. It has been a long process starting in 2015 actually living more life plus adding more about our closing our business that I had not planned to add but understanding after Mom’s passing the trauma, we both experienced at the hands of Wells Fargo. It was an emotional experiences plus having this bimbo I paid $150 to put together plus not paying me for our trip,….finally recently paying me some but not what I spent. It took a bunce to get it ready this shaman story most don’t get including me. Finally got it together with support of friends.

Now in the process of new beginnings I see my process as a turtle moving slowly, have willows getting ready to build lodge and feed the people. Of course, now I am getting a head cold of course, why not.

I am motivated to get my website set up for my book once further along with Suzane’s help!

Starting my new book plus regarding setting boundary’s not to be so co-dependent and used by clients or friend I am including my contract with this plus mutual commitment.

I love what I do working with great clients for years is my work~